VAN Talks Podcast
Heading back to our roots and building on the work we undertook in the leadup to the 2023 Referendum, Victorian Aboriginal News (VAN) Talks focuses on the positivity that is Aboriginal Victoria. Covering everything from Voice, Treaty and Truth and Reconciliation through to Aboriginal businesses and Traditional Owner initiatives, the VAN Talks podcast is the only podcast that travels across the State to deliver interviews and stories that are the truth of Aboriginal Victoria.
VAN Talks Podcast
S03-E16: Reflecting on five years of Treaty work with Assembly co-chair Rueben Berg
Nearly six years ago, I traveled across Victoria shadowing Aunty Jill Gallagher, then the Victorian Treaty Advancement Commissioner, and catching up with numerous traditional owners who had stepped forward as candidates for election to the First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria. During that time, just about five and a half years ago, I met up with one of those candidates at his home in one of Melbourne's outer suburbs. Today, almost on the eve of the commencement of a negotiation between state government and Victoria and Aboriginal people, I'm once again sitting in the home of that same man who is now one of the two co-chairs of the First Peoples' Assembly of Victoria, Gunditjmara man, Reuben Berg.